2nd and 4th Monday | 4:30 -6:30 PM

Feeding hungry people seems like such a natural thing for a church to do. Hungry people come to church to be fed spiritually. Hungry people should be able to come to church to be fed physically too. That’s why St. A's Food Pantry exists!
We know that there are too many in our community who simply don’t have enough food. We also know that it's often those with low-paying jobs who don’t qualify for emergency assistance and struggle to feed their families. This food pantry was created for them. Everyone is welcome at the St. A's Food Pantry. Everyone.
Here's how it works

Stop by
We do not require proof of need, or proof of income. Just a quick check-in. Everyone is welcome!

We have bags of groceries ready and we will place them in your car. We try to offer a choice of meat, when we can.

take your food home
Drive-thru means you get your food more quickly, served with a smile and a "Hello!"

Covid-19 changed many things for all of us! We set up a drive-through so we could be safe AND still help those who needed food. We continue to do it this way. Our neighbors check in on the left side of the church, then continue around the back of the church to the other side where groceries are delivered and placed in cars. It is simple, easy and fast.
If you’re interested in helping out or using our St. A's Food Pantry, call Bruce Banghart, Sr Warden at 269-277-3066--or just show up!! We welcome you!
Where does the food come from?

We buy food from Feeding America, Western Michigan. We are able to get canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, rice, canned soups, baking mix, peanut butter, jelly, dried fruit, cereal, nuts, and other staples. We also get meat, cheese, and sometimes eggs.
We are interested in the needs of our neighbors, so feel free to tell the person who checks you in, what you wish we could offer. We will try to get it.
We also offer toilet tissue, laundry detergent, and feminine hygiene products.
Supporting our neighbors
Period Insecurity:
Mission Statement: To serve our neighbors in what ways we can by providing period supplies to those in need. This mission is in conjunction with our Food Pantry and both seek to fulfill the mission of the church.
We recognized the need with our food pantry guests and now offer feminine products to those that are in need as part of the Food Pantry.

see you there!