See, I am about to do a new thing...
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19
Our Lord calls on us to act out our faith as obedient servants to others. One practice of faith is generosity. We see God’s infinite and pure love for us, and we respond by being generous to others. We are often challenged and overwhelmed by the noise of life, but we return to our generous God.
“We must confess that the central problem of our lives is that we are torn apart by the conflict between our attraction to the good news of God’s abundance and the power of our belief in scarcity.”
-Walter Brueggemann, Professor/Author

As a congregation, we seek to actively engage the world where its deepest needs meet our abilities. With God’s help we seek to be a difference for good. It is only with your continued generosity that we are able to do just that.
We ask Jesus to bless you, for whatever you are able to give, that we may continue to show God’s infinite love to all those in need. May our generous God bless you with enough with which to be generous, so you may know the joy of giving as God gives. Amen.